The clothing worn by professionals in retirement homes must be chosen for its technical qualities, favouring compliance with hotel, medical and food hygiene protocols. Practical for the actors of this activity, it must inspire security and bring by its attractive aspect a note of cheerfulness and joy of living essential to the valorization of the establishment. The nursing home garment is technically very close to the nursing or care assistant garments.
The designers of theuniforme prestige design office, experts in professional clothing, offer, for example, blouses or chasubles or shirt and trouser sets. The fabrics are light and sweat-proof for a pleasant work environment in the heated environment of retirement homes. The cuts are comfortable without hindering movement and mobility, the sleeves are preferably short, to facilitate the frequent washing of hands and forearms, which is essential for the respect of hygiene and contamination prevention protocols. Coloured piping on the edges of the nursing home garment and on the pockets adds a touch of cheerfulness and subtlety to the detail of the garment.
The designers ofuniforme prestige offer a choice of colourful nursing home clothing, which by their variety can characterise the hierarchy or qualification of the professionals. The clothes are adjusted and personalised to the size of the professionals so as to favour an elegant silhouette and a feeling of individual appreciation favourable to the good relational quality with the clientele and the team of the establishment. The textiles are easy to care for, resistant to frequent high-temperature washing for decontamination. Self-creasing, they ensure a perfect fit and presentation for the patient and his family.Uniforme prestige offers prototypes of medical clothing that can be tried on in the workplace by the staff, and really appreciated in their activities for their technical and practical qualities, the ease of their maintenance and the experience of the customers and their families.
The medical uniforms, nurses' outfits, care assistants' outfits and those of all the staff, offered by uniforme prestige are important positive vectors for the atmosphere of daily life and the quality image of the retirement home. Embroidered or screen-printed logos, decorative in colour, identify the identity of the professional and the nursing home.