The chambermaid is in charge of cleaning and maintaining the premises, and cleaning the sanitary facilities. She must therefore have clothing that is compatible with the hygiene protocols. Thanks to its expertise, Uniforme Prestige creates and produces chambermaid outfits with technical characteristics that allow them to carry out this function with optimum efficiency. Dynamism and ease of movement will be taken into account to ensure the best productivity and value of this function whose arduousness requires comfort and practicality.
But practicality and technicality do not exclude style, refinement of the cut and aesthetic subtlety for the maid's uniform. Dress, trousers or even a maid's blouse, theUniforme Prestige design office proposes clothes whose elegant appearance will enhance and reinforce the brand image and reputation of the establishment.
Uniforme Prestige offers to produce in-house prototypes of chambermaid outfits that can be tested in the field. The customer will be able to appreciate their qualities of robustness and maintenance, and their suitability for the individual morphology by taking measurements, and for the graphic codes and colours of the establishment.
Accessories such as headgear, ergonomically designed shoes, comfortable shoes and foot protection are essential to complete the maid's uniform. Chasubles, gloves, socks, scarves but also the classic maid's apron in colours matching the outfit are proposed to finalise a professional, aesthetic and valorising uniform for your employees and your company.