School uniforms in France: for whom? why?

Wearing aschool uniform in France is not the norm, unlike in many other countries. However, the adoption of a regulation uniform remains a common practice in many private schools. But what exactly are we talking about and why is this garment so popular in some schools in France and abroad?

What is a school uniform?

The term "uniform" has a martial vocabulary. It is increasingly being replaced by the term "uniform". But what exactly do we mean by these words?

Theschool uniform in France appeared with Napoleon. In 1802, the Emperor created high schools and imposed the wearing of uniforms, directly inspired by the army. This last measure is part of his project to reform the educational system, advocating a military discipline.

Today, the dress worn by students is less strict. It is a set of clothes whose shape, fabric and color are defined by the school. The idea is that all the students of the same school, children, young girls and young men, wear the same dress code in order to create cohesion and unity.

This outfit is usually composed of a white shirt, with navy blue, gray or black skirt or pants, or even plaid.

Do we wear school uniforms in France?

Theschool uniform was totally abandoned in France in public schools after 1968. It remains only in some private schools.

Nowadays, it is still the rule in a handful of professional establishments, military high schools and the educational institutions of the Legion of Honor. Some private schools, by imposing a regulation dress, also continue to follow this tradition.

Then, with a twist in 2017, National Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer announced that he wanted to allow "establishments that want to" to return to the school uniform. Following this, the city of Provins will jump the gun by offering a kit to families who want it.

Since then, the craze has not really spread to public school teachers, and the uniform does not seem to be about to make a comeback in the Republic's schools.

However, on the other hand, in the private sector, school principals are increasingly attracted to the idea of providing their students with a school uniform.

Uniforme Prestige School - School uniforms

What about other countries?

The wearing of a regulation dress is therefore not common in French schools. What about elsewhere? In which countries is a school uniform worn?

In primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom, most students are required to wear uniforms, following an old tradition.

Asian countries are also fervent supporters of the uniform: South and North Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Taiwan, etc. There, this dress is not the prerogative of private schools, on the contrary, it is often de rigueur in every public establishment.

Finally, in other latitudes, Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon and Mexico are among the countries that have opted for school uniforms.

Why do we wear school uniforms in France?

Although the French educational system does not require it, some schools choose to adopt a regulation dress. What are the advantages?

First of all, the uniform is a way for the institution to convey its image and values.

Secondly, dressing in the same way allows for the formation of a community and the development of a sense of belonging, not only among students but also with respect to teachers and staff. Respect for the school, a sense of community, group cohesion, the effects of adopting a dress code are numerous.

Moreover, the regulatory dress acts as a factor of integration. It helps to erase social inequalities and to promote the integration of all, regardless of their origin.

The pedagogical repercussions are also notable. Thus, teachers are pleased to teach classes that are more serene, more concentrated, and more focused on learning.

Uniforme Prestige School - School uniforms

Where to get your school uniform made in France?

You are a school and you would like to offer a regulation outfit to your students and their families? Uniforme Prestige is there to help you to realize your project.

First of all, you should contact us to tell us about your project. Together we will refine it point by point until you are ready.

Then, our team of stylists comes into play. Cut, fabric, color: in their hands, your future outfit gradually takes shape.

Then comes the time of the manufacturing and finally the delivery directly in your establishment.

Thanks to our expertise, designing an outfit for your students becomes very simple. Using our services is also the guarantee to buy quality, solid, ethical, durable and totally personalized clothing!